Sunday, June 30, 2013


Do you ever read those "how to save $4,800 this year!" articles in magazines and roll your eyes or is that just me?! Some of the tips are so silly that I feel badly for those who don't already know them.  Or there are tips that don't apply to my lifestyle.  Like, "go 6 weeks between manicures instead of 4." "Buy only one coffee a day and make the rest at home." Etc, etc. I have 3 little ones to feed and clothe, no fake nails for this mom.

I thought of a few real life tips that have helped me and I would love to hear some of yours.

Tip #1: Anything you can do I can do better.  (I only had to say "better" for the sake of the old song, it should read, "Anything you can do I can do too.") Want to try something new but have no idea where to start?  You can find a tutorial on how to do ANYTHING online.  Last week, I decided I really wanted bangs.  So I watched several tutorials on youtube.  Then I got my scissors out and went to work.  So far, I have no regrets.

Tip #2: If you are like me and have an appreciation for expensive things on a dollar store budget, there is usually a way to get it cheaper.  One of my favorite things to do for artwork at home is to buy a calender (or steal my mom's the second it's January 1st! She buys beautiful ones. I have dairy themed ones that let me know when to breed a cow after she has a baby.) Anyway. I love using calenders to cut up and frame.  No one would ever guess it's a calender and you can actually afford some amazing art that way.

Tip #3: I've said it before and I will say it again. And again. And again. Look in unexpected places for things.  Check your local thrift stores, stop when you see a yard sale (I SLAM on the brakes, just fyi), frequent dollar stores-they get some pretty great name brand stuff some times. (And I just heard that they accept coupons. What?!) If you need something for a certain occasion and don't know if it's worth buying for one use, ask around, you'd be surprised at what people are willing to loan out and help with.

Saving money is a lot of hard work but can also be a lot of fun.

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